The Techtextil Innovation Award 2015 has picked winners. An international jury of experts selected eight projects. They include printers for three-dimensional woven structures, embroidered electrodes for long-term ECGs, algae-based snow, an artificial womb, and maritime textile for cultivating kelp.
One of the winners in the new technology category is Sosa Fresh for its 3DWeaver, a 3D printer that can produce three-dimensional woven structures step-by-step. The other winner in this category is Emil Stutznäcker for its high-performance sewing technology with automatic handling in the sewing area.
Two companies have been singled out for the award in the new concept category: Switch Embassy for a washable LED screen that can be used in many areas of application, from clothing to interior furnishings, and the ITV Denkendorf Research Institute for BioGlizz, a biological alternative to artificial snow, which is based on an algae-covered textile layer.
The Techtextil Innovation Award in the new product category goes to the Empa Research Institute for an embroidered electrode that can be used for long-term ECGs and thus takes account of the growing demand for textiles in medical applications.
In the new material category, the jury gave the award to Sioen Industries for developing a maritime textile that makes it possible to cultivate kelp and alternative sustainable biomasses.