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Textile Exchange and NSF merge textile standards on down

Standards relating to the treatment of birds throughout the supply chain will be merged. Responsible Down and Global Traceable Down Standards will be merged into one global standard. It’s hoped that combining and improving the best attributes from each of the current standards will result in a best practice standard. The two organizations active in this field are: Textile Exchange and NSF International.

Currently more than 80 brands have chosen to certify their down supply chain to either the Responsible Down Standard or the Global Traceable Down Standard. Together Textile Exchange and NSF International are committed to an open and transparent process to merge the standards by creating an international working group with representatives from brands, suppliers, animal welfare groups and other interested parties. These same stakeholders were involved in the development of the current standards.

US-based Textile Exchange founded in 2002, is a non-profit organisation that works to minimize the negative impacts on water, soil, air, animals, and humans created by the textile industry.

NSF, founded in 1944, develops standards and tests and certifies products to these standards for the water, food, health sciences and consumer goods industries to minimize adverse health effects and protect the environment.


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