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Thailand-based Indorama Ventures sees leap in profits

Thailand-based Indorama Public Company Limited (IVL) a leading integrated global producer of polymers, saw a rise in sales revenue to 61.2 billion baht, with a record production of 1.8 million tonnes. This was on the back of higher utilisation rates and additional volumes from new acquisitions.A world-class global corporation and management is what IVL’s scale and business model pursues to build, which in turn would be focussed on excellence and governance in a sustainable way. IVL has proved its resilience and met industry challenges with a healthy core. IT has reported baht 7.2 billion profits before tax and after non-controlling interests for the last 12 months ending 2Q15. IVL achieved strong Operating Cash Flow of baht 24.8 billion on a record production of 6.6 million tons, during this period.

IVL has been successful in building a portfolio of niche businesses, which are hard to reproduce. Following its acquisitions in 2015, IVL’s capacity grew by one million tonnes to reach 8.5 million tonnes. This would further grow 700,000 tonnes in the second half of the year under its ongoing M&A CAPEX plan.


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