Hosiery manufacturers in southern India want the proposed knitwear board to be set up in Tirupur. Around 46 per cent of the knitwear exported from India originates from the Tirupur knitwear cluster. The Tirupur textile industry has units all along the value chain of knitwear starting from spinning, knitting, wet processing, printing, garment manufacturing and exports. In addition there are ancillary units supplying buttons, laces, embroidery, cones and yarn processing etc.
There are more than 500 production units involved in exports of knitwear from Tirupur. Tirupur accounts for nearly 80 per cent of basic circular cotton knit exports from India. The heartland of the knitwear industry in India, Tirupur has a supplier base which consists essentially of manufacturers who are mostly integrated forward or backward, if not vertical. There are a number of spinners of yarn integrating forward to set up knitting plants, textile process houses and then further integrating forward to become makers of garments.
If the vertically integrated unit is not wholly owned by the exporter, the exporter buys stakes or invests in a process house to become partners to ensure preference for their orders for the textile process and maintain standard quality as desired by their buyers.