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UK menswear growing twice than womenwear

The UK male clothing market grew at twice the rate of the women's equivalent last year.The men’s wear market is estimated to have grown by 2.8 per cent in 2016 compared with the 1.3 per cent rise seen in the women’s market.

However the men’s wear sector still only accounts for 27 per cent of the total clothing market, trailing behind women’s wear sales.Young men are more likely than young women to have bought footwear in the last quarter, with the rising popularity of trainers driving men’s footwear sales.

Meanwhile, men aged 25 to 44 have overtaken women of the same age when it comes to buying clothes in the three months to December 2016, at 47 per cent compared to 43 per cent. A 12.3 per cent increase in men’s wear sales has been forecast between 2016 and 2021.

More retailers and brands have been tapping into the growing men’s wear market by expanding their men’s clothing offer as well as launching stores and separate websites dedicated to men's fashion.

Millennial men are also becoming more demanding, wanting higher quality pieces, frequently updated collections and unique designs and they will choose to buy clothes from those retailers and brands that step up to the plate.


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