Cotton Council International (CCI) organized a comprehensive Cotton USA Supply Chain Marketing event in Guangzhou from October 8-12. Renowned U S spinners got an opportunity to meet 25 new Chinese companies and visit six factories in the Guangzhou area. A detailed presentation on the attributes of US open-end yarn and benefits of Supima yarn for high-quality products were part of the event. CCI also presented information on US cotton production and spinning locations. Following the one-and-a-half-day private trade fair, US mills toured a variety of factories, met with purchasing managers and discussed product needs.
There has been 192 per cent increase in US cotton exports to China totalling to 173,000 bale equivalents since the first cotton trip to China. Sales in the first eight months of 2013 of US cotton yarns reached $120 million, which is ahead of the $44 million at the same time last year. The climate for imported cotton yarn to China remains excellent.
Cotton Council International (CCI), the export promotion arm of the National Cotton Council of America (NCC) is dedicated to promoting quality US cotton, cotton seed and their products. CCI represents the export promotion interests of the US cotton industry’s seven segments i.e. producers, ginners, warehouses, merchants, cottonseed handlers, cooperatives and manufacturers. CCI has more than 55 years of experience promoting US cotton fibre and products to the trade and to consumers around the world.