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US textile and clothing imports up in value terms

In 2018 US textile and clothing imports rose in value terms to their second highest level on record and in volume terms to a record high. Within 2018 total, imports of fabrics, made-up textiles and apparel reached record highs in volume terms. Apparel continued to account for the biggest share of total imports. However, its share was down to its lowest level in several years. By contrast, there were significant increases in the shares of yarns, fabrics and made-up textiles. Meanwhile, the average price of US textile and clothing imports fell for the seventh year in succession to a record low—reflecting primarily a decline in the average price of imports from China.

In terms of fiber type, manmade fibers accounted for the largest share of US apparel imports for the fifth consecutive year. China remained by far the USA’s biggest textile and clothing supplier. Furthermore, its share of total US textile and clothing imports reached a record high in volume terms, although in value terms its share fell. Cambodia and Italy both increased their shares of US textile and clothing imports in value and volume terms but Honduras, Indonesia, Mexico and Pakistan suffered declines. Bangladesh, India and Vietnam, meanwhile, more or less maintained their market shares during the year.


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