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Archroma, Kipaş Denim, Jeanologia pioneer eco-friendly Contra Denim


Archroma, Kipaş Denim, and Jeanologia have teamed up to revolutionize denim production with the introduction of the Contra Denim concept. This innovative approach promises stunning, long-lasting distressed effects while significantly reducing environmental impact.

Contra Denim leverages Archroma's Denim Halo technology, which integrates Dirsol RD pre-treatment and advanced dyeing processes. This results in easy-wash, laser-friendly denim that minimizes water and energy use, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and improves garment durability.

Jeanologia's laser marking technology enhances Contra Denim's vintage look, eliminating the need for harmful manual scraping and potassium permanganate sprays. This collaboration ensures that denim production is cleaner, safer, and more sustainable.

Kipaş Denim's ContraBlack collection, the first in the Contra line, achieved an Environmental Impact Measurement (EIM) score of 11, a dramatic improvement over the industry standard of 67, highlighting its low environmental footprint.

This partnership exemplifies how innovation and sustainability can coexist, enabling denim brands to deliver high-quality designs without compromising environmental goals.


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