Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) experienced a historic uptake in 2018 as 93 retailers and brands sourced more than one million metric tonnes of Better Cotton. The uptake increased by 45 per cent over the previous year. Retailers’ and brands’ sourcing of Better Cotton accounted for 4 per cent of global cotton consumption. By integrating Better Cotton into their sustainable sourcing strategies and increasing sourcing commitments year-on-year, BCI’s Retailer and Brand Members are driving demand for more sustainable cotton production worldwide.
Better Cotton uptake increased 45 per cent on the previous year, and at the end of 2018, retailer and brand member sourcing of Better Cotton accounted for 4 per cent of global cotton consumption.
BCI’s demand-driven funding model means retailers and brand sourcing of Better Cotton directly translates into increased investment in training for cotton farmers on more sustainable practices. For example, in the 2017-18 cotton season, BCI Retailer and Brand Members, public donors and IDH (the Sustainable Trade Initiative) contributed more than €6.4 million, enabling more than 1 million farmers across China, India, Mozambique, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkey and Senegal to receive support and training.