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Brazil T&A enterprises report 19% productivity rise through SCORE methodology


Medium textile and apparel enterprises adopting the SCORE methodology witnessed a remarkable 19 per cent surge in productivity, while small enterprises experienced a commendable 15 per cent enhancement.

The initiative also yielded tangible improvements in operational efficiency. Medium enterprises reported a significant 58 per cent reduction in unnecessary movements, with small enterprises following suit with a commendable 9 per cent decrease. Moreover, rework rates saw a notable decline, with medium enterprises achieving a 21 per cent reduction and small enterprises making strides with a 12 per cent improvement. Concurrently, absenteeism rates dropped by 5 per cecnt, indicative of a more engaged and satisfied workforce.

Many enterprises established internal committees or revamped their hiring processes, leading to a noticeable uptick in LGBTQIAPN+ representation within their workforce.

The impact extended beyond individual enterprises. Brazil's premier training institution for the industry SENAI incorporated SCORE Brazil's methodology into its training programs. This integration solidified the ethos of responsible business practices within Brazil's vibrant apparel sector, setting a precedent for sustainable and inclusive growth in the region.

The Sustaining Competitive and Responsible Enterprises (SCORE) methodology was introduced jointly by the Brazilian Textile and Apparel Industry Association (Abit), the Brazilian Association of Textile Retail (ABVTEX), the National Service of Industrial Training (SENAI) São Paulo, and the International Labor Organization (ILO) Country Office for Brazil in 2023. This groundbreaking approach targeted Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the metropolitan area of São Paulo, Brazil's bustling industrial hub.

SCORE Brazil brought tailored modules—Work Cooperation and Responsible Enterprises—developed by the ILO to the forefront of the garment sector, customising them to suit the local landscape. Over the course of the initiative, 67 workers and managers from 15 SMEs participated in rigorous training activities. 



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