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Brazil to be the world’s largest cotton exporter in 2023/24: Anea


Overtaking the United States, Brazil is poised to become the world's largest cotton exporter for the 2023/24 season. This shift follows an over 80 per cent increase in Brazilian cotton shipments this season, according to the local exporters' association Anea.

Brazil’s cotton exports are likely to rise further next season, as farmers harvest a potentially record-breaking crop, with further increases expected in 2025-26, opines Miguel Faus, Head, Anea.

He referred to data from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), which recently raised its forecast for Brazil's cotton exports this year by 300,000 bales to 12.4 million bales, while reducing the US forecast by 500,000 bales to 11.8 million.

Verified by Reuters, a USDA report highlights, Brazil already surpassed the US in terms of cotton production in 2023/24, ranking third globally behind China and India and is expected to maintain its position in 2024/25.

Some of the largest buyers of Brazilian cotton include China, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Turkey, and Pakistan.


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