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China collaborates with BGMEA to explore investment opportunities in T&A sector


A recent meeting between a Chinese delegation including representatives from leading garment and textile companies, and the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA), explored trade and investment opportunities in the textile and apparel sectors of the two countries.

Both sides highlighted the potential for expanding business ventures, emphasising Bangladesh’s capabilities in producing high-value, man-made fiber-based garments and its ongoing efforts to upgrade technological infrastructure.

The BGMEA delegation was led by SM Mannan (Kochi), President while the Chinese side was represented by XuJinshan, President, Fujian Qunfeng Machinery Co The meeting was also attended by MdNasirUddin, Vice President-Finance, BGMEA, Rajiv Chowdhury and MdJakirHossain, Directors and Solaiman, Director , M & H Corporation. From the Chinese delegation, XuJinshan, Chen Qi Ping, and Yang Ming Ming participated in the discussions.

BGMEA leaders underscored Bangladesh’s growing focus on high-value products, particularly man-made fiber-based garments, and upgrading technology and machinery to enhance manufacturing capabilities. They also emphasised on the prospects of Chinese investment in Bangladesh’s high-end textile and backward linkage industries, noting that such investment would benefit both parties.

The participants expressed optimism about collaborative efforts aimed at increasing Bangladesh’s garment production capacity through knowledge exchange and technical skill enhancement.


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