Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) is expanding its network of cooperation partners and brands to include Hugo Boss. This partnership will enable the premium-segment fashion brand to develop a series of new products that will hit the shelves next spring.
Comprising around half of all material used by Hugo Boss, cotton plays a significant role for the German fashion company, which has committed to source 50 percent of its cotton from sustainable production by 2020 and 90 percent by 2025.
Cotton made in Africa operates on the principle that partnering retailers and brands pay a licence fee for every product bearing the CmiA label. Income from these licensing fees is reinvested in its African project which is used to train cotton farmers in sustainable cultivation methods and basic business administration. This enables farmers to improve their water and soil management. At the same time, the use of genetically-modified seeds and the deforestation of primary forests are prohibited.
Around one million smallholder farmers in eleven countries are currently participating in the initiative, through which their cotton is sold to more than 40 international textile companies and brands, including Cortefiel, OTTO, or Asos.