Bremen Cotton Exchange says estimates of water used in cotton farming are exaggerated. It says the majority of cotton is irrigated by rain water and that cotton is able to grow in especially dry climates. It is commonly assumed that between 10,000 and 17,000 liters of water are necessary to produce one kilogram of cotton. Bremen Cotton Exchange is out to dispute such claims which are found on the internet, in newspapers and magazines, on radio and television, as well as on social media. The cotton exchange says false information is being reproduced. It points to recent global research by the International Cotton Advisory Committee which shows that producing one kilogram of ginned cotton requires on an average only 1,214 liters of artificial irrigation water worldwide, that 41.3 per cent of the total volume of cotton production does not require artificial irrigation and that 55 per cent of the global cotton growing area is irrigated exclusively by rain.
In recent years, cotton producers in many countries have used modern irrigation systems, which have led to a huge increase in the efficiency of water use. Thus, it is now possible to produce significantly more cotton using less water using computer-controlled sensor technology.