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Cotton sowing begins

Sowing of cotton has begun on a strong note in the key growing regions of north India such as Punjab and Haryana, and in southern parts of the country such as Karnataka, for the 2017-18 season.

The arrival of cotton during April 2017 is estimated at 30.75 lakh bales as compared to 22.25 lakh bales arrived during the same month last year. The total arrival this season up to April is estimated at 306.25 lakh bales, which constitute around 90 per cent of the total estimated crop.

Buoyed by the high prevailing prices, farmers are bringing in a larger area under the fiber crop and the seed industry expects acreages this year to increase by up to a fifth over the previous year.

The rains would play a crucial role in sowing operations and helping farmers decide on which crop to opt for. Last year, there was a decline in acreage in north India, owing to pest attacks and erratic weather. This year, the weather seems favorable and also farmers are geared up to tackle any pest attacks.

Initial indications are that during the current season the cotton area sown would be around six lakh hectares in Haryana (as against 4.98 lakh hectares during 2016-17) and four lakh hectare in Punjab (as against 2.56 lakh hectares in 2016-17).


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