The IAF and Inexmoda have announced that Adriano Goldschmied will be speaking at the 30th IAF Word Fashion Convention in Medellín, Colombia. Goldschmied, known as 'the godfather of jeans' is the creator of iconic denim brands Diesel, Replay and AG Adriano Goldschmied and adviser to many other denim brands.
With his presence, the IAF Convention would be able to highlight the denim case to its global audience in the best possible way. Denim brands are leading examples in international expansion through real value creation. Denim brands have captured the imaginations of billions of consumers across the world, through branding as well as love of craftsmanship and investment in environmental improvements. Goldschmied will speak on ‘innovation & future of denim’. Mariette Hoitink, who heads the Amsterdam initiative of ‘House of Denim’, will use this example to show how Goldschmied’s advice can best be translated into a Colombian denim infrastructure. The IAF and Inexmoda are holding the convention on September 30 and October 1, in Medellín, Colombia.