Dubai will host the maiden International Textile Fair (ITF) from November 3 to 4. It is the first such dedicated event in the Gulf region, targeting designers and manufacturers. It will bring together traders from across the world under one platform and is expected to boost UAE's booming textile industry, which is growing at 9.9 per cent annually.
Visitors from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other Gulf Cooperation Council countries are expected. The UAE is a leading center for textile industry automation with the presence of about 150 apparel manufacturers. Accounting for about 5.5 per cent of annual global textile and clothing sales, the UAE has emerged as the world's fourth largest trading centre of fashion and apparel.
Gulf countries are gradually becoming the world’s leading textile manufacturing and trading centers due to a sound economic environment and fair trade practices. By 2016, the UAE is projected to emerge as the leading high-end textile and garment re-export center. The ITF is supported by the Textile Merchants Group, representing 800 wholesale textile traders of Dubai. In future, the organisers plan to hold the exhibition twice a year.