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FWF partners SLCP to improve working conditions in global garment supply chains


The Fair Wear Foundation (FWF) has signed a MoU with the Social & Labor Convergence Program (SLCP) in Amsterdam to enhance collaboration between the two parties and improve working conditions in global garment supply chains.

The collaboration will focus on the three key areas including data convergence, policy advocacy, and industry engagement. The agreement will utilise SLCP's data within Fair Wear's Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) facilitation hub. This integration is expected to eliminate redundant audits, enhance the quality of facility-level information for Fair Wear member brands, and support the effective implementation of HRDD.

Additionally, anonymised and aggregated SLCP data will be used to inform Fair Wear Foundation's country risk scoping tool.

Further, Fair Wear Foundation and SLCP will work towards unified policy positions and increase engagement with key stakeholder to drive systemic change across the garment and textile industry.

Janet Mensink, CEO, SLCP, states, the use of SLCP in the Fair Wear HRDD hub exemplifies effective data sharing to reduce duplication and drive improvements in working conditions.

Alexander Kohnstamm, Executive Director, Fair Wear Foundation, describes the MoU as an ‘important step’ towards industry-wide alignment on impactful HRDD implementation, crucial for ensuring that new European legislation benefits garment workers.

The partnership between Fair Wear Foundation and SLCP is underpinned by their joint recognition of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct as the leading HRDD framework. Both organisations advocate for a smart mix approach to HRDD in supply chains.


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