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IAF granted an EU funded project in Bangladesh

IAF has been granted an EU funded project for capacity building in Bangladesh’s textile and apparel industry. IAF will do it along with its two association members BKMEA (The Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association) and HCIA (The Hellenic Clothing Industry Association). The project is aimed at capacity building, network extension and knowledge transfer.

As a result this project BKMEA and HCIA will be able to offer better service to the companies who are their members through more international contacts, more knowledge and more insights. The project will include training sessions in Bangladesh and several networking trips to Europe and Bangladesh.

The apparel industry plays a big role in the industrial development of many countries creating millions of jobs worldwide. Where big improvements in production infrastructure can still be made, big productivity gains and big improvements in working conditions can be combined. Therefore, IAF is pleased to contribute to the industrial development of Bangladesh.


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