The Karnataka government has earmarked 1,000 acres for the upcoming textile park at Yadgir in north Karnataka. The government intends to also develop an integrated park at Yadgir. The state government has acquired around 3,300 acres in Yadgir district, of which about 1,000 acres will be used for setting up the textile park. The construction of the park, in the most backward region of the state, is likely to improve condition of cotton growers and weavers besides generating employment for a large number of people.
The government is also planning to develop smaller textile parks at various places such as Vijayapura, Ballari and Chamarajanagar districts. The government wants industries to move away from the congested Bengaluru region. It intends to revise its textile policy and has sought views and comments from the stakeholders of the textile industry.
The central government has come out with a scheme of integrated textile parks in the country. Till now, several proposals have come and by March this year, around seven to eight parks will be approved. State governments have been asked to come forward and identify large areas for setting up of mega textile parks. Each of these mega textile parks will be on at least 2000 acres to 5000 acres so that foreign direct investment could be attracted.