Khadi sales grew 24 per cent in 2016-17. In 2015-16, total khadi sales stood at Rs 42,000 crores while the figure was a little over Rs 33,000 crores in 2014-15. The Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) is working towards opening khadi stores in Dubai, Paris and London. The Indian community abroad may be encouraged and given incentives to open and run khadi outlets and shops. Khadi will be exhibited at embassies and consulate offices with information on how they are produced.
India has a network of around 7,050 khadi outlets. Sale outlets under the Khadi and Village Industries Corporation will be granted a financial assistance of Rs 25 lakhs per unit in urban areas and Rs 20 lakhs in rural areas for renovation and modernization.
Corporates like Arvind are getting into khadi. Arvind will acquire khadi from KVIC and sell designer khadi products like denim with the khadi mark. Similarly, Raymond, Allen Solly, and Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail have also started promoting khadi. The involvement of corporates is expected to help artisans boost their income and provide more employment opportunities as demand increases. There is a collaboration with the National Institute of Fashion Technology, which will provide design development and training at different khadi institutions.