"Upcoming menswear fashion show Milano Moda Uomo will showcase 77 collections this year compared to 56 last year. The event will be held from January 10-14, 2019. Luxury fashion brand Prada will present a collection once again at the event after showing in Shanghai in June."
Upcoming menswear fashion show Milano Moda Uomo will showcase 77 collections this year compared to 56 last year. The event will be held from January 10-14, 2019. Luxury fashion brand Prada will present a collection once again at the event after showing in Shanghai in June.
Along with Confartiginia to Imprese and the Ministry of Economic Sviluppo and Ice Agenzia, the Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana will present a new improvement plan for the Milan Men’s Fashion Week.
The project will present Milan and Italy as international fashion hubs, giving space to small and medium companies and presenting to the world Italian know-how; starting in Florence with Pitti and also Milan Fashion Week. It will give the Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana, the opportunity to expand the event on an international platform.