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Moroccan sourcing fair in October

Maroc will be held in Morocco on October 17 and 18, 2019. The fair offers a comprehensive overview of the Moroccan textile and garment industry from fast fashion to high-quality production of trend peaks up to offers of sustainably produced collections. Around 1,500 visitors from all around the world are expected. The fair will be segmented into the fields of fast fashion, denim, jersey, knit, lingerie, sportswear, leisure wear, technical garments, leather and shoes. The fair program will be supplemented by special B2B meetings and conferences, which deal with current production topics.

The Moroccan garment industry generates 15 per cent of the industrial GPD of the country and 25 per cent of Moroccan exports. The over 1,600 companies of the industry employ over 1,90,000 workers and have a production capacity of over one billion items. Morocco offers fast delivery by land with short-term delivery dates thanks to its proximity to Europe. The shortening of the delivery routes is also a way to reduce the ecological footprint of the companies, an important aspect in the course of sustainable production, a decisive factor for future competitiveness. Morocco is in a phase of continuous growth due to foreign investments and an expansion of its infrastructure. For this year an economic growth of three per cent is expected.


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