Amid rising demand for denim products in the global market, five new denim factories have come into operation in the last five years in Bangladesh. With this, the total number of denim factories has gone up to 30. Of the five factories, the four that have already commenced production are Square, Nice, Thermax and Badsha. Another five companies are in the pipeline as demand is on the rise, especially in the West, the major market for denim.
Earlier, Bangladeshi manufacturers used to produce denim products such as trousers, but now they also make shirts, bed sheets, pillow covers, home textiles, aprons and table cloths. The production capacity of denim mills in the country is more than 40 million yards a month against the demand for nearly 70 million yards. The rest of the demand is met through imports from countries like China, India, Pakistan and Turkey. It is said that in a few years from now, exports of denim products would be worth $5 billion from $2 billion a year now.