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No fire detection system at half of Accord factories

According to latest findings by Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC), over half of the Accord-inspected 1,600 garment factories have not installed adequate fire detection and prevention system yet. Another rights group-Industriall Global Union-announced that the Transition Accord signed by nearly 200 global fashion brands and retailers will run its activities from Amsterdam office in case of failure to operate in Bangladesh.

Besides, Accord in its latest progress report, said some 45 per cent of its inspected factories have so far installed fire detection and prevention system. Upon starting work in 2013, Accord engineers found that 97 per cent of the over 1,600 factories under its purview had no safe emergency exits and 91 per cent had no adequate fire detection or alarm system.

Five years later, 97 per cent of lockable or collapsible gates have been removed and in total 74 per cent of all found fire safety defects have been corrected, with another 12 per cent still pending verification, CCC noted.



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