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Regenerative Cotton Standard boosts yields and incomes in India


The Regenerative Cotton Standard (RCS) is already delivering positive results in Maharashtra, India, after just one harvest. With higher yields, lower costs, and growing adoption of regenerative agriculture, the initiative is proving both effective and feasible.

Last season, 5,000 farmers across 70 villages cultivated RCS cotton, harvesting 4,400 tonnes of ginned cotton. Yields rose by 2 percent, while costs fell by 7 percent, boosting farmer incomes. Soil regeneration efforts, including biochar application, further improved results demonstration fields using biochar achieved a 15 percent higher yield than conventional cotton farming. Meanwhile, 90 percent of farmers found the training methodology effective.

To ensure success, the project involved local leaders, lead farmers, and community groups. Farmers received training in cover cropping, crop rotation, and organic nutrient management. Field demonstrations and workshops helped build confidence in RCS methods. The initiative was implemented by Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF) and Vijay Cotton & Fibre CO. LLP, alongside 40 agricultural consultants.

“With its holistic approach and focus on farmer experiences, RCS is a winning proposition,” said Tina Stridde, AbTF’s managing director. “This pilot project has shown real potential to help farmers regenerate soils, increase incomes, and secure their future despite climate challenges.”

Beyond farming benefits, RCS enhances textile supply chain transparency using AbTF’s tracking system, helping meet industry traceability demands. The pilot, which began in July 2024, will continue, while Tanzania is also entering its second season under RCS.


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