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SIDA, ILO to improve Asian garment supply chain

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) will launch a project to improve the garment supply chain in Asia in 2019. The project will focus on South-Asia, South East Asia and China, given their significant roles in international division of garment production.

The initiative will focus on social dialogue and industrial relation system; advancement of gender equality; enhanced productivity and competitiveness and reduced environmental impact. It will be supported by government workers and employer’s organisation and other private sector organisations. The ultimate goal of this project is to create an improved working condition and rights of women, men and workers. Also, it will improve the productivity and environment sustainability of the manufacturers. Also, the ILO mentioned that the project will contribute to better knowledge-sharing and synergies of action.

The project will be funded by the Regional Development Cooperation Section of Embassy of Sweden in Bangkok and managed by the ILO regional office for Asia and the Pacific in collaboration with ILO country offices



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