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Source Fashion show to tackle sustainability challenges


Europe's leading sustainable sourcing show, Source Fashion, is set to take place July 14th-16th at Olympia London. The event promises thought-provoking discussions on achieving sustainable practices within the fashion industry.

Each day focuses on a key theme: Day 1 explores collaboration and innovation, Day 2 dives into trends, legislation, and big-brand approaches, and Day 3 emphasizes education and certification.

Event Director Suzanne Ellingham highlighted the event's purpose, stating that Source Fashion aims to create a platform for addressing significant questions and fostering discussions about the future of fashion, sustainability, and better business practices. The agenda will bring together a diverse group of industry experts to discuss various challenges, including responsibility in fashion, legislation, certification, evolving trends, new materials and processes, transparency, and accountability.

Industry leaders will share their experiences and insights. Caryn Franklin MBE, a fashion activist, and Nick Beighton, former CEO of ASOS, will discuss the realities and challenges of implementing positive change.

Attendees can learn about tangible sustainability solutions from Jo Mourant, head of sustainability at Next Plc. A panel discussion will explore the potential of alternative materials to revolutionize sustainable fashion.

PepsiCo's design director, Hayley Shore, will share their commitment to reducing environmental impact and collaborating with sustainable designers, offering valuable lessons for both big brands and smaller businesses.

Fashion Futurist Geraldine Wharry will delve into the future of fashion infrastructure and supply chains. Sourcing expert Jack Stratten will discuss consumer trends and the role of AI in retail, providing inspiration for storytelling strategies.

The event will also address legal aspects with updates on environmental claims regulations from the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA). Additionally, attendees can learn about the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) certification process.

Rounding out the program, a session on ethical sourcing essentials will equip attendees with the knowledge to navigate new regions and build a profitable sourcing strategy.

Source Fashion promises a platform for open dialogue on critical sustainability issues, fostering collaboration and progress within the fashion industry.


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