Cooperative spinning mills and National Textile Corporation (NTC) units in Tamil Nadu, as well as the private sector, are putting in efforts for modernisation and value-addition, though the textile sector is going through a challenging phase with a dip in demand.
The State government had sanctioned Rs 175 crores for modernisation of six cooperative spinning mills, which were completed in July, said officials. From blow room to spindles, there was complete modernisation of these six mills and trial run is on at present. Also, the Tamil Nadu Textile Corporation (TNTC) has invested of Rs 5 crore, and commissioned a new loom shed, with 10 shuttle-less looms at Kurichi.
For the free dhoti and sari scheme, production of school uniform and to meet the requirements of various government departments yarn and fabric from the cooperative spinning mills and the TNTC is used. Productivity and quality will improve and more number of people will be employed with the modernisation and the new loom shed, according to officials.
Consolidation and modernisation is being considered by NTC, which has seven mills in the State. Two years ago, it had taken up capacity addition in two mills and invested in modernisation between 2008 and 2010. A Arulsamy, Executive Director (South) said this has helped the mills improve productivity, reduce costs and improve quality. However, another round of consolidation and modernisation is needed now.