Australia, the world's largest wool producer and exporter will host the Wool for Future Generations: the 85th IWTO Congress in Sydney in April 2016. The event is co-hosted by the Federation of Australian Wool Organisations (FAWO).
Sydney, being the birthplace of Australian wool industry, makes an excellent destination to hold this event. A must-attend event for the global wool industry, the IWTO Congress connects wool growers, spinners, weavers, garment manufacturers, designers and retailers. Wool industry experts would discuss the role of wool for future generation, at this three-day event, which provides a strong platform for business networking, discussion and exchange between members on issues of interest to the industry.
The topics covered at the Congress would include market intelligence, consumer trends, health and wellness, environment, trade, retail trends and education, for the coming generations. Also, trade exhibitions and displays will be an integral part of the Congress.
Local and international speakers will cover relevant topics in the wool industry. Networking opportunities abound, with international textile manufacturers and fashion retailers participating. Wool is viewed as a fibre for future generations and the aim of such an event is to help the young generation take this forward with innovation, new technologies, creativity, training and our the experts’ to ensure a sustainable future for all.