Production of Tamil Nadu textile manufacturers is expected to reach Rs 75,000 crores by 2020 up from Rs 50,000 crores now. The state ranks third in textile production and exports in India. Spinning, handloom, powerloom and garments are the four pillars of textile sector in the state.
The industry in Tamil Nadu has seen highs and lows in the last few years. At one time it had to face a power problem. Adequate power is the lifeline of the industry. Utilization fell to about 70 per cent. In some of the smaller mills, without captive generation plants, it went down to even 60 per cent.
Currently India is looking to add around 3 to 3.5 million spindles a year against an average number of 2.5 million spindles over the past five years. The southern region is expected to contribute to about one million and more spindles every year.
Tirupur's textile industry does business worth over Rs 50,000 crores every year, including revenue earned from exports. The industry also employs over 1,000,000 people. Over 80 per cent units in the cluster are dependent on job work to carry out the various stages of garment manufacturing. The product is normally transported from one stage of processing to the other at least five to seven times before getting packed for shipment or for domestic sales.