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Uzbekistan to double textile exports to $6.5 billion by 2026


To help transform the industry, Uzbekistan aims to double textile exports to $6.5 billion by 2026.

AbdulazizAbudrakhimov, Press Secretary, Uztekstilprom, says, the country aims to expand into new markets with deeper integration into global supply chains. To achieve this, it plans to enter into new collaborations with international organisations like the International Textiles Manufacturers Federation (ITMF) and the International Apparel Federation (IAF).

Foreign investment would be a significant driver of this growth, with international companies setting up factories across the country. An Italian brand has launched a factory in Kashkadarya, and two German companies have commenced operations, boosting production and export capacity. To secure new markets, Uzbekistan continues to send regular business missions to countries like China and various European nations.

From $3.5 billion in 2023, Uzbekistan plans to double its textile exports by 2026 increasing their volume and shifting toward higher-value products. The country also plans to focus on exporting fabrics and ready-made garments, such as t-shirts, trousers, and jeans, which are gaining popularity in Europe.

Historically known for high-quality cotton, Uzbekistan is reducing reliance on raw cotton exports in favor of finished products like fabrics and garments. This helps add value and increase revenue.

In September 2024, Samarkand will host the ITMF Annual Conference & IAF World Fashion Convention, a major event expected to attract over 500 industry professionals. The conference will address critical industry issues such as AI, production digitalisation, sustainable development, and supply chain optimisation, further solidifying Uzbekistan’s role in the global textile industry.


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