Nearly one lakh workers have been rendered jobless in West Bengal due to the raw jute crisis. Malay Ghatak, a joint representation of mills to state Labour Minister, said that until now 12 jute mills have closed down due to which almost one lakh workers have lost their jobs. Already a huge number of mills have cut down production and worker surplus is increasing in each mill sated the joint representation letter. The Jute Packaging Material (Compulsory Use in Packing Commodities) Act, 1987 (JPM Act, 1987), which was aimed at saving workers and farmers has gone wayward.
In wake of lower supply by the jute mills, which is due to the shortage of raw jute, the Ministry of Textiles has diluted the mandatory jute packaging material. The belief that production could be low due to bad weather conditions and poor rainfall is one of the main reasons for this hoarding and speculation in raw jute by a few mills and some unscrupulous stockists and traders.
The Jute Commissioner's office is yet to launch any anti-hoarding drive under Jute and Jute Textile Control Order 2000 informed the jute mills. It is yet to take steps to regulate and limit stock and price of raw jute to control speculating operation and prevent unfair trade practices.