The number of countries with arbitrary arrests and detention of workers increased from 44 in 2017 to 59 in 2018, and freedom of speech was constrained in 54 countries, as per IndustriaLL Organisation ( ILO)
The three global trends for workers’ rights are shrinking democratic space, unchecked corporate influence and the importance of legislation.
Democracy is under attack in countries that fail to guarantee people’s right to organize, speak out and take action. Brazil passed laws that denied freedom of association, China restricted free speech and the military was used to suppress labor disputes in Indonesia.
More countries are excluding workers from labor law – from migrant workers, public sector employees to workers in platform businesses-- with 65 per cent of countries excluding whole categories of workers from labor law.
Violations of workers’ and trade union rights are more a rule than an exception.
The number of countries in which workers are exposed to physical violence and threats increased by ten per cent and include Bahrain, Honduras, Italy and Pakistan.
Trade unionists were murdered in nine countries, including Brazil, China, Colombia, Guatemala, Guinea, Mexico, Niger, Nigeria and Tanzania.
Out of 142 countries, 54 deny or constrain free speech and freedom of assembly.
More than 80 per cent of countries deny some or all workers collective bargaining.