The Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) has five new board directors. With the five additional board members, the ZDHC board has a total of 12 directors and also significantly extends board representation in Asia. The appointment of new directors enables it to drive forward its strategic growth and continued global leadership on sustainable chemistry and safer chemical management.
ZDHC is a collaboration of over 70 signatory brands, value chain affiliates, and associates advancing towards the elimination of hazardous chemicals in the textile and footwear value chain. ZDHC has prepared a Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL). This is a list of chemical substances banned from intentional use in facilities that process textile materials and trim parts in apparel and footwear.
The focus at ZDHC is to ease regulatory confusion of chemical management standards and bring brands, chemical companies, mills and manufacturers to align on common standards and tools. While the creation of the ZDHC MRSL was hailed as an industry milestone, one of the challenges suppliers still face in working to conform to this standard is knowing where to go, and who to trust, when it comes to safer chemistry claims.
The ZDHC chemical gateway is designed to address this gap. It provides a positive list of safer chemical formulations. Conformance is determined by third-party product accreditation standards and options available in the market.