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Authenticoby Schneider Group promises a completely traceable wool supply chain


The newly introduced brand, Authentico by the Schneider Group promises a completely transparent, verified, traceable, ethical, and high-quality wool supply chain, from farm to garment.

Aspiring to be globally recognised, the brand allows the fashion industry and end-consumers to choose fully traceable premium quality wool. The brand operates within the Schneider Group's globally certified network and adheres to a meticulously structured approach that verifies, traces, and brands every stage of the sourcing and manufacturing processes throughout the supply chain.

The Schneider Group has also developed the ‘Authentico Verification System,’ to provide criteria and guidelines for all supply chain partners. This system includes the ‘Authentico Integrity Scheme,’ which promotes best practices for wool growers at the farm level. Animal welfare is a core component of this scheme, emphasisingmulesing-free practices and adhering to the five domains of animal welfare. The scheme also covers land and pasture management as well as social responsibility. Wool is sourced from carefully selected and dedicated growers who subscribe to the “Authentico” platform. The selected fibers are processed in Schneider Group’s own certified mills across several continents.

The verification system also includes the ‘Authentico Brand Guidelines’ for other supply chain players, including spinners, weavers, knitters, garment makers, brands, and retailers. These guidelines set precise criteria to ensure alignment with ‘Authentico’ brand values.

Additionally, the Schneider Group has integrated the innovative traceability platform ‘TextileGenesis’ into its ‘Authentico Verification System’ to digitally track all wool transactions.

Laura Ros, CEO, Schneider Group, observes, through these initiatives the group aims to reinforce its customers’ confidence in the company’s sustainability and traceability initiatives not only on farms but also at the industrial level.


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