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Better Cotton honors Members at 2024 Awards Ceremony


Better Cotton, the leading cotton sustainability initiative, announced its 2024 Member Award winners today. The awards, presented by CEO Alan McClay and Senior Director Eva Benavidez Clayton, honored members for their outstanding contributions to the cotton industry.

The awards took place aboard a Bosphorus dinner cruise in Istanbul, Turkiye, during the Better Cotton Conference, attended by over 200 industry leaders.

Alan McClay emphasized the privilege of hosting the awards and highlighted the pivotal role of partner dedication in driving transformative change within the cotton sector. Recognizing progress as Better Cotton expands is essential.

The Top Contributor Award recognized organizations with the highest uptake of Better Cotton relative to their use of the material. Walmart received the award in the large to very large member category, while John Lewis Partnership was honored in the very small to medium category. The Sourcing Award acknowledged those who processed the highest volume of Better Cotton. Cargill Commodities topped the cotton trader category, and VicunhaTêxtil led in the intermediary category.

The Impact Storyteller Award was given to the Cotton Egypt Association for featuring a compelling story about sustainable cotton production in the Nile Delta, which generated significant interest on the Better Cotton website.

CABI received the Innovators Award for its work in Pakistan, including the creation of a national organic agriculture policy that is currently under review by the Ministry of Food Security and Research. This policy aims to strengthen and build bridges between stakeholders promoting sustainability.

Finally, the Outstanding Contribution Award went to İyiPamukUygulamalarıDerneği (IPUD) for its implementation of Better Cotton’s activities in Turkiye since 2013.

The awards ceremony took place during a dinner cruise on the Bosphorus, part of the Better Cotton Conference in Istanbul, Turkiye. The two-day conference gathered over 200 industry representatives to discuss accelerating impact at the field level.


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