The issue of sustainability in the apparel and textiles sector took centre-stage at the recently concluded Centre for Responsible Business’ (CRB) 5th annual Sustainability Conference (India & Sustainability Standards) in Delhi. The conference organised a number of sectoral/thematic sessions in partnership with like-minded organisations at the conference. The three-day event assembled a diverse mix of relevant stakeholders to bring their perspectives, experiences and insights on the table – thereby ensuring that the multi-stakeholder nature of the dialogue was maintained.
A session on the situation of ‘Women in Value-chains’ focused on the apparel & textiles, speakers unanimously agreed that there is need to raise the standard of working conditions for women workers, and to accord specific attention to prevent sexual harassment and violence. Members agreed upon industries encouraging women in management and decision-making positions.
Speakers also discussed on ways to promote child-friendly supply chains in apparel & textiles sector – an imperative for international buyers/brands. CRB alongwith the Global March Against Child Labor (GMACL) has developed a toolkit to help companies undertake the necessary due diligence to assess and mitigate child and forced labor in the apparel and textiles supply chain.