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Indonesia to transform textile sector by adopting circular economy approach


A landmark agreement to transform Indonesia’s textile sector by adopting a circular economy approachwas signedat the Green Economy Expo held at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC).

The collaboration involves the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) Indonesia, the Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas), Bandung Polytechnic of Textile Technology (Politeknik STTT Bandung), and PT DaurLangkahBersama.

Collaborating with key government institutions and initiatives such as Pable, a textile-to-textile recycling company, this partnership under GGGI Indonesia’s Green Transition Investment Program (GTIP) aims to mitigate the environmental impact of textile waste. The focus is on promoting circular textiles, creating green jobs, and organizing training programs.The Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has pledged support to GGGI Indonesia's efforts.

Bappenas has recently released Indonesia's Circular Economy Roadmap and National Action Plan, highlighting textile waste as a critical sector for circular intervention. With textile waste in Indonesia estimated at 2.3 million tons annually and projected to rise by 70 per cent without intervention, this partnership is crucial. PriyantoRohmattullah, Director – Environment at Bappenas, emphasised that the initiative aims not only to manage textile waste but also to develop a circular textile ecosystem. This includes creating financial schemes and building capacity among circular textile industry players.

A key partner, Bandung Polytechnic of Textile Technology will enhance its technical and vocational education and training (TVET) programs through this collaboration. This will improve skills and knowledge in textile recycling techniques, ultimately leading to more job opportunities.

Yorkie Sutaryo, Head, GGGI Indonesia and GTIP Indonesia, states, the long-term goal of the initiative is to support local businesses in accessing markets with stringent sustainability standards. It aims to foster a more sustainable, resilient, and competitive textile industry in Indonesia.

The partnership marks a significant step towards a greener future for Indonesia's textile sector, aligning with global sustainability goals and national priorities.


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