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New MMF research facility will focus on creating unique yarns and fabrics: SITRA


Elaborating on the organisations’ plans to establish an exclusive research facility for man-made fibers (MMF) and technical textiles in India, DrPrakashVasudevan, Director, SITRA, said, the facilitywill focus on creating specialty yarns and fabrics with unique features. It would use specialised fibers that can be customised based on end-application.

The South India Textile Research Association (SITRA)currently focuses on more value added textiles including synthetic textiles. The organisation has traditionally worked with cotton and itssuch as spinning, weaving, knitting, and processing. However, recently, it has shifted focus to synthetic textiles due to the changing requirements of the textile industry, strongly influenced by factors like cotton price fluctuations, market conditions, the need for diversification/ value addition. There is also an increasing demand for technical textiles.

Additionally SITRA also plans to set up an exclusive product development center by the end of this year. This facility will enable small-scale production of yarn, fabric, and dyeing with minimal quantities of fiber, which is particularly useful for expensive and exotic fibers.


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