Nilit has launched Sensil®, a softer, stronger and more durable version of nylon which provides odor, temperature and moisture management What truly makes Sensil® different is the degree to which Nilit is working with brands to help them find the factories and mills that can make their product using Nilit yarns. The company had never worked directly with brands before but it saw the need for greater transparency and trust.
Nilit is helping the brands overcome supply chain challenges. Its collaboration with the yoga brand, Avocado helps it to present an exciting product for the end customer. It helps those brands that may have been priced out of premium fibers in the past to find partners willing to help them find cost-effective means for bringing their collections to life.
Further, the company has created a robust marketing program that allows brands to connect to the customer through educational, marketing, and event experiences. Sensil®’s goal is to create a relationship between all supply chain participants and a feedback pipeline from the retailer and consumer upstream.