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Responsible Cotton Sourcing to be promoted by BCI, USFIA

The United States Fashion Industry Association (USFIA) and the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) in partnership have come together to promote the cause of responsible cotton sourcing. USFIA represents the fashion industry that includes textile and apparel brands, retailers, importers and wholesalers, based in the US and is doing business globally. The Better Cotton Initiative, on the other hand, is an NGO that works with a multi-stakeholder group of organisations to support responsible cotton production across the globe.

Julia K Hughes, President of USFIA points out that they are thrilled to collaborate with the BCI. She adds that their members include major global brands and retailers, who are committed to responsible sourcing at all levels in the supply chain. Their members would be able to enhance this commitment from the ground up with this collaboration and would also learn from the BCI.

BCI and USFIA, both stand to mutually benefit with this partnership from each other’s expertise. The BCI would give information about supporting responsibly grown cotton to USFIA members. BCI members, in turn would get support of USFIA to navigate the complex sourcing issues in the US and around the globe. The USFIA will enable the BCI to connect with key stakeholders via publications, educational events and networking opportunities.

Daren Abney, Membership Engagement Manager, BCI says that they are excited about joining an organisation as repute as the USFIA and are looking forward to exploring this partnership and how it can enable the supply chain of the future.


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