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South Asia textiles boosts efficiency with Coats Digital’s FastReactPlan


Coats Digital is delighted to announce that South Asia Textiles Ltd., a leading textile manufacturer, has significantly improved its operations following the implementation of Coats Digital’s FastReactPlan in 2023. The solution has reduced average machine idle time by 74 per cent, from 380 hours to just 100 hours; improved on-time delivery performance (OTDP) by 15 per cent; and decreased capacity planning time from eight hours to two, a 75 per cent reduction.

Based in Pugoda, Sri Lanka, South Asia Textiles, a subsidiary of Hayleys Fabric PLC, produces high-quality textiles for global brands like Victoria’s Secret, Next, and Adidas. The company, which employs over 1,400 staff and has a monthly production capacity of 800,000 kg, previously struggled with production inefficiencies and delivery issues due to siloed capacity planning information.

According to SameeraJayasinghe, Senior Manager Planning at South Asia Textiles, the manual planning processes led to slow decision-making and frequent on-time delivery failures. However, FastReactPlan provided a single, digitized source of planning and production information, fostering better alignment and collaboration across departments. This allowed for accurate capacity data, enabling timely adjustments to production schedules and improved cost-to-make quotes based on real-time availability.

Managing Director Rohan Goonathilake noted that FastReactPlan has enabled the company to handle increased business and maintain on-time deliveries consistently. The solution also improved yarn demand utilization and buffer stock maintenance, reducing inventory holding costs and enhancing cash flow.

RukshanPeriyapperuma, Customer Success Manager at Coats Digital, expressed satisfaction with the partnership's success, highlighting the significant benefits realized by South Asia Textiles and their ongoing digital transformation efforts.


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