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UK clothing sector sees growth

The UK textile and clothing industry is experiencing year-on-year export and domestic growth. Apparel manufacturing has grown by almost 11 per cent between 2008-2012, mainly concentrated in major sourcing hubs such as the East Midlands, Manchester, and London.

Leicester is an important manufacturing centre for many fashion brands and retailers and is part of a re-emergence in UK textile manufacturing. The landscape of the industry is not comparable to what it used to be. In the past, there were large, iconic firms that were unionized. Now there are just under 4,000 small and micro firms at an average employment size of 8.6 employees. Over the next 10 years, re-shoring of textiles and apparel has the potential to increase annual output.

Fast fashion sourcing trends and shorter lead times are acting in UK's favor, but many hurdles still remain. Barriers to growth include a lack of retailer knowledge about the UK supply base, an ageing workforce, endemic skill shortages and lack of investment.

Other challenges include the UK’s micro suppliers, typically employing less than ten employees, which are over-exposed to the market power of retailers and unable to quickly service large orders along with the industry’s sweatshop image.


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