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Cotton demand to fall in India

World ending cotton stocks are projected higher than last month. Production is reduced for Brazil and Pakistan, partially offset by an increase for the United States. The forecast is that consumption will reduce for several countries, including Brazil, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Thailand, and Turkey, as economic uncertainties and rising yarn stocks point to lower-than-expected demand. World trade reduced slightly as a result of lower consumption. World ending stocks are projected at 106.3 million bales.

The 2015-16 US cotton supply and demand forecasts include higher production, exports, and ending stocks compared with last month. Production is raised to 13.4 million bales, as an increase of 4,58,000 bales for Texas is partially offset by revisions for other states. Domestic mill use is unchanged. Exports are raised to 10.2 million bales based on the larger available supply. Ending stocks are now projected at 3.2 million bales or 23 per cent of disappearance. The marketing year average price received by producers is projected to range from 56 to 68 cents per pound, a reduction of three cents at the midpoint from last month based on larger US supplies and lower world consumption.

Estimated US 2014-15 ending stocks are unchanged from last month at 3.7 million bales.


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