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Cuddalore textile park is eco-friendly

The textile processing park at Cuddalore in Tamil Nadu would generate direct employment to 5,000 people and indirect jobs for 25,000 people within two years. The project is eco-friendly and the park and the technology for the treatment and disposal of effluents have been approved by the pollution control and the maritime boards. It’s a model park with latest technology and 10 leading textile group companies in Tamil Nadu are all set to establish their processing units in the park.

The processing units predominantly use common salt for dyeing cotton fabrics, which is harmless when discharged into the sea. The textile processing does not involve any toxic chemicals. Effluents would be treated and discharged under marine standards. Fears about depletion of groundwater are groundless as the processing units would tap groundwater below a 1,000 ft.

The project has a 50 per cent grant under the Integrated Processing Development Scheme to install and operate eco-friendly and cost effective technology. There is a proposal for implementing a marine discharge technology. An online monitoring system would be implemented and monitored by a competent third party agency under the supervision of the Pollution Control Board.

In the sea discharge method, effluent water is treated and colors are removed. Hard water (which is saline) is then thrown into the sea. This causes no harm to the ocean as sea water is already salt heavy.


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